Whisky Mac Cocktail Recipe

The Whisky Mac is a sweet, warm cocktail that is guaranteed to thaw out even Antarctic explorers.

The Whisky Mac cocktail is an unusual pairing of Scotch whisky and ginger wine. People that have tasted both of these ingredients alone are probably already balking at the thought of these two strong, warm flavors combined. Indeed, a Whisky Mac was sometimes thought to help cure ailments such as a cold and the flu. The heat of these ingredients could warm the heart of Jack Frost himself, and traditionally the Whisky Mac was served neat. Nowadays, many people will prefer to drink the Whisky Mac over ice to balance the warmth of the flavors, especially if it’s above freezing outside.

It’s best to not use a smokey flavored Scotch with a Whisky Mac, as the smokeyness (peat) combined with the ginger flavor will be too much to handle.

Whisky Mac Ingredients

  • 1.5 measures of Scotch
  • 1.5 measures of green ginger wine

Alter the ratios of ingredients as preferred. The above 1:1 ratio will provide a sweeter flavor – lower the amount of wine to make it less sweet.

Serving the Whisky Mac

How to serve the Whisky Mac cocktail is a difficult question. As previously mentioned, traditionally it was served neat. Many people will prefer the drink to be served on ice to help dilute the flavors. To have the best of both worlds, serve the drink straight up by combining the two in a mixing glass with some crushed ice and straining it in to a drinking glass. This ensures the liquid is chilled but not too diluted.

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