Whiskey Eggnog Recipe

Whiskey eggnog may not be overly traditional, but it does almost as well as its brandy and rum cousins.

Most people associate Eggnog with brandy and/or rum, but you can make whiskey eggnog as well. It’s best to use a blended or rye whiskey since you don’t want anything too smokey combining with the egg flavor.

Whiskey Eggnog Recipe

  • 4 eggs, separated
  • 4 oz/100 grams sugar
  • 3 fl oz/100ml blended or rye whisky
  • 3 fl oz/100ml double cream
  • 2 fl oz/60ml whipped cream
  • nutmeg

How To Make Whiskey Eggnog

  1.  Beat the egg yolks and sugar well in a saucepan.
  2. Heat over low heat while stirring with a spoon. Slowly add in the cream while continuing to stir.
  3. Cook until mixture is well combined, usually around 8 minutes
  4. Remove from heat and add whiskey
  5. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form, and stir in to the eggnog
  6. Add whipped cream and nutmeg to the top of each glass
  7. Serve


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